Electric Forest- looking back
2016 Electric Forest was single-handedly one of the best experiences I had had all summer. It gave me the highest expectations for all my other summer adventures. No, I am not as adventurous as I want to be and no, I don't have many stories to tell. So maybe I'm thinking this festival made my summer great only because, before that, I had nothing to base it off of. However, there are 4 things I've learned that remind me of just how great this festival really is: 1. The nicest people go to The Forest Everywhere you go people are greeting you, hugging you, or smiling at you. I have never felt so overwhelmed with kindness and love by total strangers. In all of the chaos and noise of Bassnector's set my gal pal, Zo and I had decided it was time to leave and get some R&R. Since we had pushed our way through the crowd and made it to the middle of the mass of people it was a little difficult to fight the crowd to get back out. With trying to walk over top of people ...