Becoming the Person I Choose to Be
Lately I have just been realizing that life is so much more than whatever I'm doing right now. It's so much more than just going through the motions of school, work, and the routine of my social life (or lack there of). With recently going into college and now having to decide what I'm going to do with the rest of my life I have been having these epiphanies (or so to say). They're just random thoughts and questions in my head where I ask myself if I'm happy with my life right now. And if I'm not, then why aren't I? This part in life is so full of choices. I have spent the last 18 years in the comfort of my home. A home made for me. Choices and decisions made by other people. When to go to school, what to do after school, where I'm living, what I'm doing in my free time. And for the last few years I had become so dependent on other people making decisions for me, but now that I'm on my own and making choices that will effect my life and future, ...